21 results
Hodgson, Nick and Bill Griffiths (eds). 2022. Roman Frontier Archaeology – in Britain and Beyond. Papers in Honour of Paul Bidwell Presented on the Occasion of the 30th Annual Conference of the Arbeia Society (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 92). Oxford: Archaeopress; 978-1-8032-7344-0 paperback £60.
Paul Kitching
2024-01-02 2023 • Volume 6
Frida Pellegrino. 2020. The Urbanisation of the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire: A Juridical and Functional Approach to Town Life in Roman Gaul, Germania Inferior and Britain (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 72). Oxford: Archaeopress; 978-1-7896-9774-2 paperback £48.
Oliva Rodríguez-Gutiérrez
2023-12-08 2023 • Volume 6